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All common tasks related to Windows services simplify.


"All common tasks related to Windows services, simplify."
runterload.de Editor: Windows Service Manager, all common tasks related to Windows services is a small tool makes it easy. Windows without rebooting, delete the configuration of existing services and exchange services (both Win32 and Legacy Drive) service can create. Both GUI and command line modes. In addition, services to run arbitrary Win32 applications (such service, the main application window closes automatically) stopped available.


SrvMan list of basic features:

Allows restarting the drive and create a Win32 service.
* GUI and command line support.
Supports all modern 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions
* Win32 applications to run arbitrary services, as provides.
Allows a single command-line installation and services, call the old drive is running. Now you can download free SrvMan 1.0.

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